As of Jan. 23rd 2 PM EST, I have $20,038 in lifetime SNG profits. Not great, not bad, but enough to win me the 20K lifetime earnings prop bet with wbmustang. We made the bet back in fall '09 when we were both sitting on 15K earnings. It was a great idea by him to push the both of us forward. Almost thought the bet was over in December when he went on a 5K upswing, but then followed it with a 3K downswing. Ughh gross, but I know wbmustang's a winning player and will play through it.
Also started another small prop bet with chip210. The bet is $100 to whoever can win 3 $12 180-mans in a single 24-hour period. I've gotten close with 2 1sts and a 3rd, while has has had 2 1sts and a 2nd. Should be a good challenge since he's pretty damn good, and I'm pretty damn lucky. When I first met him, he was a scared little bitch that would only play aces. But now, he's making moves like a cagey veteran.
GL everyone!
Congrats on the win, puts you at 1-1 in propbets life time right? lol. Gl on this next one.